Every great writer needs a blog. This is mine.

Here you will find a mix of many of my creative ramblings. Anything and everything that inspires me to pick up a pen and see what happens. To spill a little ink onto an empty page. And give words a life of their own.

Sound good? Cool!

Let’s spill some ink together!

An interview with Kathleen Gati of ABC’s General Hospital

An interview with Kathleen Gati of ABC’s General Hospital

There has not been a phone call in recent memory that has been more enjoyable than the one that I had with Kathleen Gati! For my fellow General Hospital fans out there, you know her as the evil Dr. Liesl Obrecht, who has been called one of the most fascinating characters to take up residence in Port Charles. This article includes excerpts from our conversation.

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Interview with Jared Falk of Drumeo

Interview with Jared Falk of Drumeo

Last month I launched a new web series on YouTube. I am yet to give it an official name, because I am not completely sure what to call it. It is already looking like it will have several themes and feature a variety of people who I will interview and have candid discussions with during a live broadcast.

I was pleased to have Jared Falk of Drumeo as my first guest.

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We Are Not Defined By Isolated Moments

We Are Not Defined By Isolated Moments

Everyone has a bad day. Sometimes, you might even have a bad week, or a bad month, or even a bad year. And sometimes, when you are at your worst, you might even find yourself acting completely out of character. Maybe you are a little sleep deprived, or stressed, or...

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Writing Outside the Lines

Writing Outside the Lines

When it comes to putting pen to paper, I’ve spent my whole life writing in between the lines. This seems a bit ironic for someone who is known for coloring outside of the lines in so many aspects of my life. You would think that the two would go hand-in-hand, but oddly for me, that has not been the case.

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A Healthy Dose of Self-Esteem

A Healthy Dose of Self-Esteem

Forget the naysayers. Forget the negative voices in your head. Let go of fear. Have the confidence to celebrate yourself. You have worked hard, and you deserve this. Stand up and yell it from the rooftops, but do it quietly so that people don’t think you’re nuts!

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Forget Goals…

Forget Goals…

In recent years I have completely changed my philosophy around goals. In fact, I have abandoned them (almost) completely, and have adopted the following philosophy: “Forget goals…move instead in the direction you are organically led.”

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Brain Dead After Vacation and Labor Day Weekend

Brain Dead After Vacation and Labor Day Weekend

It seems pretty simple. Take a short 6-day vacation to sunny San Diego, California, then come home to a 3-day weekend. It was supposed to be like having a 9-day vacation, which it was, except that today is the 10th day, and it is a day of Hell!

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Dreaming Out Loud

Dreaming Out Loud

I really wanted to write something awesome and post it on my birthday, which was on Tuesday. But as luck would have it, I was completely blocked the night before. I am rarely blocked, but when I am, I know better than to force it. Although, I have to admit that I painstakingly spent 2 hours doing just that. By midnight the night before my birthday, I had nothing but a few disconnected sentences that were anything but awesome.

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