Hey kids! Do you know what this is? It’s called a Rolodex! It’s what we used for decades before the digital age to keep track of our contacts. They were invaluable! Sometimes I would even flip through my Rolodex just to spark some inspiration. It was a tactile, active experience. No mater how convenient and easy digital is, we can’t have a relationship with digital information the way that we can with a physical repository of information. That’s why I […]
When are you the most productive?
When are YOU the most productive? Experts say that’s when you should do the bulk of your work. I learned long ago, that my most productive time is not 8:00 AM. It’s also not 9:00 AM or 10:00 AM. More often than not, my productivity doesn’t seems to peak until the sun goes down. So, after struggling with so-called “regular business hours” for nearly two decades, I shifted my work schedule to match my body’s natural rhythm. The results? Not […]
Are you doing the work you were born to do?
One of the most important questions that we can ask ourselves is: “Am I doing the work that I was born to do?” If the answer is “yes,” then you are way ahead of the game, and you have probably had some level of success in doing what you do. But, if your answer is “no,” then my question for you is: “Why not?”
On Being a Writer…
Being a writer is not a job.
It is not a choice.
It is a state of being.
It is at the core of my existence.
Nothing will stand in its way and nothing can prevent it.
It’s my creative mastermind.
It’s the course I travel blindly, but with an open heart.
It is the life I lead.
It’s the introspection and observation.
It’s where I find meaning.
Writing Outside the Lines
When it comes to putting pen to paper, I’ve spent my whole life writing in between the lines. This seems a bit ironic for someone who is known for coloring outside of the lines in so many aspects of my life. You would think that the two would go hand-in-hand, but oddly for me, that has not been the case.