Michelle Sandlin – On the Move, Houston Chronicle
Everyone has a story. This is mine. Not the entire story, but it’s the one about how I came to be a weekly columnist for the Houston Chronicle.
One late night in 2009, I started a blog and began writing about Houston and the relocation industry. Over the next couple of years, I wrote and published over 100 long form article style blog posts.
Soon my blog was killing it on Google searches, and I was consistently positioned in the top 3 slots. It was then that I was contacted by the Vice President of the Houston Chronicle, who I met with to discuss the possibility of me writing for them.
At the end of 2012, I was offered the opportunity to write 2 weekly columns for The Chronicle. The topic, of course, was Relocation.
Today, with well over 400 published articles, I am excited to share that The Chronicle has just renewed my “On the Move” column for 2018! Thank you all for reading, and to the many awesome people that I have had the opportunity to interview and feature over the past 5 years, it’s been great to tell your stories and share your insight!