I Should Be Asleep…

It looks like I am up to one of my old tricks. It’s 1:28 in the morning, and while others are fast asleep, I am wide awake and on my computer.  Actually, I am on all 3 of my computers and my iPhone.  You are probably thinking that is pretty excessive, but there is a reason.  I am creating a video on my Mac, blogging on my PC and looking at files on my work computer, and my iPhone is pretty much connected to me at all times.  So, the bad news is that I am awake when I should be asleep, but the good news is that I am being creative times two.  I am blogging while creating my video.

By now you are probably thinking, what’s this video she’s talking about.  Well, it’s a video that I am creating for a contest at work.  The idea is that employees are supposed to write, direct and star in their very own YouTube video about why they like working for the company, and the winner gets $1,000.  Now you see why I am doing it.  The truth is, I would enter a contest like that in a heartbeat whether there was a money prize at stake or not.  First of all, I am very competitive.  Secondly, I really enjoy stuff like creating videos.  But alas, I am world’s worst procrastinator, so even though I have known for 6 weeks about the contest, I waited until tonight to do mine and it’s due tomorrow.  Shocking!

Since the video is for a contest, I can’t upload it to my blog just yet, as it is top secret.  I will give you a hint though.  Let’s just say that I incorporated a bit of drumming into my video.  I think it turned out pretty awesome, but let’s see what the judges think.  Stay tuned on that one.  The winner will be announced in about a week.  If I win, I will definitely post my video.  If I don’t win, I will probably still post it.

My video is almost finished, but before I go, I want to mention Bon Evans.  We have never met, and I wasn’t familiar with his music, but he seemed to have found me from one of my Pinterest Boards, which led him to my blog, where he was kind enough to leave a comment earlier today.  Now that is pretty cool!  So, I followed the link to his Facebook page and listened to his music.  This guy is really talented and you need to check him out.  It was the blurb under his name that caught my eye.  It reads:  “I started playing the guitar in 2010. I started recording in 2011. Now it’s 2012, and I’m ready to release an album.”  That’s very inspiring, and of course, it sounds a little like me.  I have only been playing the drums since April, but I think I have come a long way in a short amount of time.

By the way, the picture at the top of this post has no real relevance to this post, except that Animal is just a damn good drummer!

OK, my video is finally completed, and now I really do need to get some asleep…


  1. Can’t Wait to see the video! With that kind of Creative drive you should be a shoe in for first place :~) Late nights are when my Creativity kicks into overdrive too.

    Not sure what it is, But maybe it has to do with “while everyone sleeps, they’re wasting their dreams. So we are picking up on those dreams, and creating Collaborations”

    lol maybe not, just a thought.

    Thanks for the blurp about me Michelle. You Keep Writing And I will keep reading, Keep me updated.
    Your support is Very much appreciated

    1. A couple of years ago I wrote: “Asleep are the weak. Awake are the insomniacs who use this time of night to think, write, strategize and dream out loud about tomorrow.” – Michelle Sandlin

      Keep writing music and doing what you love, and I will keep listening!

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