
Mom Knows Best

My mother said that my last blog post was too long. Maybe she was right, but I thought my recounting of my ill-fated vacation to California was an interesting one, and I wanted to do it justice. The cool thing though about my mom saying that my last blog post was too long, is the fact that she is reading my blog with regularity! I love that! So, this post will be a bit shorter in her honor. The point […]

California Vacation Over-shadowed by Shadow

I first met Shadow in September of 2011. It was a brief meeting, and completely uneventful.  We posed for this photo, and that was about it. We later met in January of 2013 (2 weeks ago). It was this second meeting that was a pivotal one! I have always been severely allergic to cats and typically avoid them at all costs. In fact, I now suffer from asthma that resulted from accidental feline contact about four years ago. That was […]

Inspiration Through Social Media

Welcome to my first Blog post of 2013! I have a lot of things that I want to talk about, so it was difficult for me to pick just one to start off the year. Then it occurred to me that 2013 is really just a continuation of many of the things that were put into place in 2012. There were lots of new starts and changes that provided me with renewed momentum, direction and inspiration for doing the things […]

Rock Star Moments

One thing that I have learned, is that you don’t have to be a rock star to have rock star moments.  That’s what punctuating life is all about. Professionally I have received many accolades, but those are usually fleeting and less important to me than my personal rock star moments.  In business, you are often only as awesome as the last awesome thing that you did. That is also true in your personal life. Having said that, what do you […]

2012: A Year of Change

To say that 2012 was a year of change seems like an understatement, at least to me.  This year has been more punctuated with change than any other year in recent memory.  But alas, change is good…right?  I like to think that it is. So let me recap it for you.  Don’t worry, I am not going to hit on every single change from this year, but I will talk about the big ones. The start of the year was […]

The Magic of Social Media

Go ahead and admit it.  You have “friends” on your Facebook page that you have never even met.  Don’t feel bad, we all do.  But regardless of whether you are “friends” with someone or not, the important distinction comes with the word “connection,” as opposed to “friend.”  I have some very deep, transcendental connections and relationships with the important people in my life.  That is a given.  Through the magic of social media, we are acutely aware that we are […]

The Path of Least Resistance

I am the path of least resistance. I am the first one to volunteer, the last one to go home, and the only one up at night while everyone else around me has gone to sleep. My problem is self-created.  It’s my own fault.  I have a hard time saying no.  I always try to find a way to make it happen and I look for kudos in the end that often never come. But I never let that stop […]