Emotional connection Today, I did something that I thought I would never do. I archived my handwritten manuscript for my book Cancer Don’t Care. It was a long time in coming. The 4 x 6 index cards had lived in file boxes on top of my desk since the beginning of...
Few things are as humbling as being forced to read your old blog posts. Yet, that’s what I’ve been doing over the past couple of days in preparation for the launch of my redesigned website. At first I was like — delete them all! They are old and...
How it started… People ask me all the time: What is your book writing process? How did you write Cancer Don’t Care? The truth is, I started writing it the day I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I didn’t know it at the time, but that’s when I...
This is a little excerpt from my bestselling memoir: Cancer Don’t Care. It comes from a section called “Creative Spark,” which can be found in Chapter 17. I felt like it had been forever since I had written anything good or important. Sometimes, a...
I was recently interviewed by Lynn Sullivan at the Wholistic Cancer Support Summit. It is always an honor to be asked to share my breast cancer story. I talked about what it was like to receive my diagnosis, the strategies I used to keep myself centered and positive,...