About the Narrator
My Daughter
Meet Kendall
My Daughter Became Part of My Breast Cancer Story
One of the most pivotal moments in my story was when I tested positive for the BRCA1 gene mutation. Not just because it solidified the fact that I would be having a double mastectomy, but because it brought my daughter Kendall into my story in a way that I didn’t expect.
Since I had the gene mutation, it was possible that she had it too. So, through genetic testing of her own, it was confirmed — she was BRCA1 positive. That meant that her risk for developing breast cancer was 55-65%. And she was also at high risk for ovarian cancer.
But, because I was still in my hot war with cancer when she was tested, Kendall decided to wait until I was out of the woods before making any decisions.
So, after my battle ended, my focus immediately turned towards Kendall and mitigating her risk. This proved to be tricky because she was undiagnosed, yet at high risk. So, navigating insurance and the healthcare system was challenging to say the least. We had to kick down doors and make things happen. And it took us over a year to get her into MD Anderson.
Then, after multiple doctors’ appointments, she weighed her options, and made the brave decision to preemptively have a double mastectomy and a full hysterectomy.
I couldn’t be prouder of her! At age 33, she voluntarily threw herself into early menopause. She’s my hero!
And timing is everything, because the pathology report following her hysterectomy showed that she had precancerous cells in her uterine lining.
As a result of her experience, Kendall has become very vocal in talking about the importance of genetics testing and in sharing her story along with me on various podcasts.
She also has a willingness to talk to other women her age about her experience and answer any questions they might have.
Becoming the Narrator
When I decided to record an audiobook of “Cancer Don’t Care,” I struggled with the idea of having to read it aloud. Reading aloud has never been my strong suit. I worried that I would stumble over my own words as I attempted to read them. I worried that my lack of skill as reader wouldn’t have the same impact as my written words.
That’s when my daughter, Kendall, stepped in, as she often does. In her typical, matter-of-fact tone, she said, “I’ll do it!”
And that was that.
What I didn’t expect was the additional layer of emotion that her voice brought to my story. But, don’t take my word for it; listen for yourself!
The Michelle and Kendall Show is coming soon. Be the first to subscribe to our YouTube channel!