Every great writer needs a blog. This is mine.
Here you will find a mix of many of my creative ramblings. Anything and everything that inspires me to pick up a pen and see what happens. To spill a little ink onto an empty page. And give words a life of their own.
Sound good? Cool!
Let’s spill some ink together!
I Archived My Handwritten Manuscript
Today, I did something that I thought I would never do. I archived my handwritten manuscript for my book Cancer Don’t Care. It was a long time in coming. The 4 x 6 index cards had lived in file boxes on top of my desk since the beginning of 2023. That’s one year after the publication date of the book.
Reading My Old Blog Posts
Few things are as humbling as being forced to read your old blog posts. Yet, that’s what I’ve been doing over the past couple of days in preparation for the launch of this beautifully redesigned website. At first I was like — delete them all! They are old and irrelevant. They don’t represent the person I am today
Intro Into My Book Writing Process
People ask me all the time: What is your book writing process? How did you write Cancer Don’t Care? The truth is, I started writing it the day I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I didn’t know it at the time, but that’s when I started documenting my journey. It was all there in black and white. In my many notebooks, journals, photos, videos, recorded messages onto my iPhone. You name it. Even the words “Cancer Don’t Care” were part of that early documentation.
Monday Motivation?
What's the deal with Monday Motivation? I see posts about this throughout social media and all over the web. And, I have to tell you, I rarely feel very motivated on Mondays. The reason? Let's face it. Mondays are hard. I will even go a step further and say that...
I don’t always have time to read, so I make time to listen
We've all heard the statistics about how the most successful leaders and innovators are also avid readers. I think the saying is: "Leaders are readers." Well, I don’t always have time to read, so I make time to listen. In fact, I listen to about 25 books a year,...
Setbacks are there to remind you, not define you
I have said many times that setbacks are there to remind you, not define you. I first wrote these words a few years ago, but I think they are worth repeating today. January Promises I made a lot of promises to myself for January. I was going to hit the ground running...
Digital vs Analog: Which is better?
Hey kids! Do you know what this is? It’s called a Rolodex! It’s what we used for decades before the digital age to keep track of our contacts. They were invaluable! Sometimes I would even flip through my Rolodex just to spark some inspiration. It was a tactile, active...
When are you the most productive?
When are YOU the most productive? Experts say that’s when you should do the bulk of your work. I learned long ago, that my most productive time is not 8:00 AM. It’s also not 9:00 AM or 10:00 AM. More often than not, my productivity doesn’t seems to peak until the sun...
Was 2017 everything you thought it would be?
As we enter the last month of 2017, was this year everything you thought it would be? Nope, not for me either. But that’s OK. What’s the one thing you are the most proud of, and what do you regret most? Before you answer that, get out a pen and paper and write down...
Can you disconnect?
That might be the toughest question that anyone asks you all day. Between your computer, tablet and smart phone, it has become more difficult than ever to actually disconnect, or, as I like to call it, “hide.” It has actually become unacceptable. You can no longer...
Are you doing the work you were born to do?
One of the most important questions that we can ask ourselves is: “Am I doing the work that I was born to do?” If the answer is “yes,” then you are way ahead of the game, and you have probably had some level of success in doing what you do. But, if your answer is “no,” then my question for you is: “Why not?”
Everyone Needs A Reboot
Everyone needs a reboot from time-to-time. This is mine!
It was three years ago, when I wrote: “Quit Your Job! I Recommend It!” Quitting my job in Corporate America to focus full-time on my passion as a writer, was one of the happiest moments in my career. It was so happy in fact, that history has just repeated itself. After spending about a year back in the corporate world, I have again quit my job. This time, for good!
So, this is my reboot. It’s kind of like Michelle Sandlin 2.0. Call it whatever you want, but I am back, baby! And there is no looking back.