
Not everything poetic has to rhyme. It’s about the rhythm that drives the emotion. And where the abstract lives in harmony with the absolute. It’s where words comingle in ways that have never been imaged before, forming something new.

Poetry is where it began for me. I remember being asked to write a poem when I was in the 4th grade. It was a Halloween poem. Our entire class was given the assignment. Once we had finished writing our poems, the teacher read them to the class. Then everyone voted on the poem they thought was the best. Guess what? It was mine, and it went like this:

Every year on Halloween night
When all the black cats
Come out to fight
The witch on her broom
In the sky a full moon
The fight is done
Another black cat has won

Sliver of Peace

Sliver of Peace

I sit here In comfortable dress Where art meets light And fear meets flight I sit here Under the weight of the words The glistening trees And the wayward birds I sit here alone And cast away the day While others work And children play I sit here Until nightfall's...

Just A Little More

Just A Little More

This is a little excerpt from my bestselling memoir: Cancer Don't Care. It comes from a section called "Creative Spark," which can be found in Chapter 17. I felt like it had been forever since I had written anything good or important. Sometimes, a word would come to...

On Being a Writer…

On Being a Writer…

Being a writer is not a job.
It is not a choice.
It is a state of being.
It is at the core of my existence.
Nothing will stand in its way and nothing can prevent it.
It’s my creative mastermind.
It’s the course I travel blindly, but with an open heart.
It is the life I lead.
It’s the introspection and observation.
It’s where I find meaning.